It is difficult to argue that man’s best friends are dogs. When people feed the dog it thinks that they are gods. These cute animals are always delighted to see their owners. Needless to say that within the time they become family members and are even taken to trips.
If you are a pet lover and an owner of the car, you might have faced a situation where you have to remove dog hair from a car after a ride. This activity is inevitable as long as you will need to transport this domestic animal and they leave a layer of fur. The perspective of having a furry backseat can’t be exciting.
If you still didn’t refuse to travel with a dog either long or short distances here are some handy tips for you.
The vacuum cleaner can be of little use so using nitrile gloves is a top method. They are easy to buy in any store. After gliding or brushing across the surface in one direction you will be surprised how to get dog hair out of car carpet becomes an easy activity. The downside of this method can be remains of fur that are deep down in the fibers. No wonder that long sitting of a dog appears to be a problem. And here comes another tool that consists of two stages. Liquid and “hard stone” will obviously help.
Stage one
Create a solution. There are at least two ways how to do it. First is to take equal parts of fabric softener and water and fill a spray bottle, or to dilute seven to one proportion in one-fourth of the bottle. Then mist the necessary area so as to soften and make pulling out process easier.
Stage two
For this part, a pumice stone is never far. Scrub the area and you will soon see a pile of hair. Only at this stage, a handheld vacuum cleaner reaches close to 100% efficiency. Bingo! Guess what? Babies can immediately crawl there!
On the contrary, this type of cleaning can be merciless to some surfaces at times. And it is high time to use a rubber pet hairbrush. One of the benefits of it is that it can cope with something that we call tight areas. You can stay calm as it is friendly to plastic surfaces, paint, and metals. Chances are you will be satisfied with the result. As usual, the process is effortless and affordable to an average person.
How to get dog hair off car seats
It’s impossible to run out of the removal tools. If you know at least several smart ways to use fabric softener dryer sheets, you will certainly name to pick up pet hair. This time no solution is required. This method promises to be effortless and in fact, it is. Run the dryer sheet over the seats! All you needed is done.
Say yes to something sticky. Lint brush is always available to get it in a store as well as duct tape or packaging tape. They all work like miracles. Having removed a protective layer or wrapped around a hand with a piece of tape, make sure the sticky side is outwards, start tapping the seat. Do you agree that it is by far the easiest way to clean up problematic surfaces?
In order to clean upholstery, you can use another method. It is a well-known fact from physics that a blown balloon creates static electricity. Rub the balloon to help lift away the hair. When it sticks, collect it and throw it into the garbage bin. This method is reasonable and it makes sense when removing usual, loose pet hair. It doesn’t resonate with any one of those who found embedded pet hair, does it? A bit more serious approach seems to be necessary but what if to have a look at this issue from another angle and undertake something beforehand?
The best way to get dog hair out of the car is for you to choose. One of the listed above could be used at your convenience. Prevention measures are worth mentioning, though. Off we go.
Tip 1
The well-groomed animal looks more attractive and is one of the effective ways to keep the inside of your car neat. It is rather cheap. All you need is a brush and a little time to spare. Loose hair is removed and the dog is ready to step into a car. This method isn’t going to work for the latecomers as it requires a couple more minutes before leaving home.
Tip 2
Boxing day for dogs or special design manifestation for small friends. Did you think of boxing him or her up? Give it up. Everything has already been invented. Just buy a pet crate or travel carrier. Way more convenient. It is literally a dog seat, very similar to a baby seat principle. Don’t forget to put it on the floor and fix it with a seat belt so that you can avoid rolling around when driving.
In spite of its safety merits, it is considered to be the luckiest option for dogs especially during long commutes and reduces the fur left behind in your car.
Tip 3
To spread or not to spread. Not only do women like accessories but pets also. And the number one thing on any pet owner check-list should be pet cover. Multifunctional blanket serves to protect first of all from undesirable follicles then mud and dirt. It is clearly much easier to remove this blanket, wash and store it for the next time. Pet cover is a must-have one thing in case of a willingness to save up time and cleanliness of the vehicle’s interior.
Instead of a conclusion
If a furry friend shares your apartment and your heart still melts when you see him or her, it is the right sign that you will soon share something more vital of yours – it’s your car. Double-check those pieces of advice and enjoy your life with the most loyal and devoted friends, will you?

Jim Powell
Jim is our staff editor and writer. He has a degree in engineering. His hobbies are radio engineering and new technologies about which he has been writing for more than 7 years.